We Are Ready.


Damien Hutchens

Damien brings a fresh mix of human and business capabilities to help client’s adapt and overcome major challenges. He holds psychology and coaching qualifications as well as having deep experience in organisational change, HR, workforce analytics and business strategy.

Damien is also an experienced designer and change agent with a string of successful product innovations plus personal leadership of several successful multi-million dollar People+Technology transformation projects.

Damien works closely with leaders and boards to design and enact change, achieving repeated change-success in challenging and constrained business environments.

Damien’s recent assignments include helping a CEO to shift long-standing organisational capabilities, coaching teams on consulting and partnership skills, running employee experience and design workshops, piloting new analytics tools and developing prototypes for organisational conversations and a human-centred job framework.

Damien brings this dual passion for people and change to his work in Rethink HR.

Schedule a Free Consultation with Damien »

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Rethink HR

Perth, Western Australia
ABN: 63 400 892 452