
RethinkHR helps people solve six of the biggest challenges in organisations today. Three ‘cognitive’ services are designed to help people get clarity and bring an evidence-based approach to dealing with people. Three ‘human’ services are aimed at re-humanising organisations and finding ways of working and change that are more sustainable and better embraced than some more traditional approaches.

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Facing Large or Complex Challenges?

We can help you distil core change opportunities, create evidence-based change-proposals and create a clean, structured road-map for change

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Part of your HR Model Stagnated?

We can help you analyse and your product suite, capture your Voice-of-Customer, explore new industry HR models and review latest HR practices & industry research

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Does Change Wear People Down?

We can help you with new change and adoption models, introduce adaptive & iterative change processes plus help people to future-proof themselves and better handle ambiguity & transition

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Got Bland Products that won’t Engage Users?

We can help you craft fresh people-centred designs, track Employee Experience and product performance plus help you showcase breakthrough practices and products.

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Need Better Analytics & Evidence?

We can help you identify top value-drivers in your HR and change programs, establish new analytic solutions that capitalise on your data, source fresh people insights from non-HR data and help you create powerful scorecards to track progress, impact & ROI

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Strategy is ‘fuzzy’ or don’t get much Buy-In?

We can help you source a compelling fact-base for your proposals, build clean, engaging narratives for major proposals, create a toolkit to streamline the way you engage decision makers plus share key tips and tricks on engaging stakeholders, boards or decision makers.


With each assignment ReThink HR helps build these twin capabilities in the people we partner with, strengthening Cognitive capabilities such as strategy, in-house consultancy and people-science and analytics, as well as Human capabilities such as human-centred design, employee experience and user-centred approaches from agile, software & product design fields.