Design+Analytics: Killer 'Twins' for Change

Design+Analytics: Killer 'Twins' for Change

When people talk about Design, they usually talk about the outputs, some brilliant shiny new piece that oozes with excitement and interest. My experiences of design so far are much more of the process ...... exploring, questioning and observing to find out how things tick, what's working and people's experience and needs.

What happens when Design is paired with Analytics? Analytics and true data science is a powerful new 'bloodhound' to answers key questions, unearths new insights and shines a light on the underbelly of interactions, process and products. But the best analytics work is done because you know where to focus.

Beyond core customer, performance and profitability insights, human-centred design can also feed in fresh new questions, issues and possibilities to explore. When paired with Design, analytics becomes a change-force, find new truths, opening up new conversations and paving the way for something better.

A great example of this is the new conversations opening around diversity and inclusion, as Relationship Analytics shifts decades old conversations by showing the real story of different cultural or demographic groups within the workplace.

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Analyst can use these network maps to make Inclusion a visible measurable commodity, down to a team level. The actual patterns of inclusion and exclusion can be seen in each team Combined with talent analytics they can also show the human story of each group as the cohort moves through the company.

Similarly there are other insights emerging about how we work together including what types of spaces and resources we prefer, how much time we spend on different activities and our interaction patterns. For example, this office occupancy heat map brings fresh insights about occupancy and cost-efficiency, as well as key insights into which parts of the workplace are most (or least) engaging and useful.



Collectively these show a rising interest in the value of the human side of the business. But it is the analytics capabilities that are bringing these stories and insights to life.

Does your business encourage Analysts to pair up with Change Agents, Designers and HR specialists for collaborations to unearth powerful new stories and insights on the ‘human’ side of the business? I promise you these collaborations will redefine your HR and change models and set the foundations for a healthier, more productive workplace.

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